Capturing the beauty and sparkle in the world - and hoping to bring some joy to yours with vibrant and colourful paintings

I’m a Devon-based painter inspired by natural world and the way it affects our emotions. For me, painting is another way of learning about the world and seeing it in a way that finds wonder and beauty in every curve and shadow.

The structure of petals or the way the light bounces off the sea and its undulating movement – these natural phenomena create a myriad of textures and colours which are fascinating to me and wonderful to capture or interpret.

I want my paintings to connect with others, to bring joy and calm, lift spirits and encourage us to pause and notice the beauty in the world around us.

I’m in love with the colour blue – for me, it represents freedom

Dancing around the house to loud music with my 3 kids – pretending to be on strictly – is one of my fav things

I enjoy trying to grow veg at my allotment – it’s like a piece of Eden in a busy world

If I could be a fictional character I’d be Peter Pan because he never has to grow up

I grew up with my family in a small village in Cambridgeshire. I remember playing happily in the fields behind my house and the woods down the lane, climbing trees and making art whenever I had free time. The natural world of plants and animals fascinated me – I always wanted to understand why and to learn how things worked.

My aptitude for studying and love of biology led me to follow a career in medicine and I went on to work in the NHS for 17 years, the last 8 as a GP – which was an amazing and privileged career.

But…the fire inside me for creating art never went out. I thought the idea of becoming a painter was only a fantasy but when the Covid-19 pandemic hit it caused me to re-evaluate my path in life. With my 3 kids settled in school and my supportive husband, I decided 2021 was the time to press pause on my medical career and see what happened when I picked up my paintbrush.

The more I started to paint the more I began to notice and the more I wanted to learn and understand the world.  Retraining my brain to think in a different way was fascinating – colours and light seem magnified and understanding how form is created was exciting and also incredibly peaceful.

And now I bring my understanding and interest in human health into my paintings, nurturing and encouraging the need to be mindful of ourselves and our world to have happy, healthy lives.  I hope to create art that can lift our soul because little moments of joy make the world a better place.